I wish my kids understood that my childhood was way harder than theirs.
There are some similarities between my childhood and that of my children. I recognize that. My kids have divorced parents like I did. I had a step mom when I was a teenager, too. My twelve year old has some of the same attitude problems I had. I got "bullied" all the time. Let's face it, kids are softer now than they used to be. My husband cracked his skull when he was a kid. If I remember correctly, his older brothers were using the two younger boys as bowling balls with sofa cushions belted to them. This happened often. Four boys is a dangerous household! Being the youngest of the four could have been deadly. Kids today have it pretty easy by comparison. I am a fairly traditional mom but my kids still have few real struggles. I know that not everyone struggled like I did and I know that kids don't even have some of the options I did but here are just a few of the things my kids don't understand. 1. "Bullying" was tolerated. I put that in quot...